2015 has been an enjoyable
stitchy year even if my number of blog posts and YouTube videos have lessened. That is mostly due to the lack of time. The good news is my work hours is reducing in 2015 and my youngest starts full time school so there should be more time during the day for updating social media - yay!
This post is about the progress on my goals for 2015 and new goals for 2016.
What are my Top Five Cross Stitch Highlights for 2015?
5. I have stitched more c
ross stitch presents this year. My favourite gift was stitching on a Round Robin with friends and giving it to our mutual friend, Gillian, for a surprise 50th birthday present. She had tears in her eyes when she opened the gift so it was worth it.
Four blocks adapted from the Prairie Schooler alphabet
Stitched two over two 32 count white linen. |
I stitched most of the J and G block. Note H is for Honey has been changed to J is for Joyful. J is my initial hence the change. |
4. I finished up two
Christmas ornaments and stitched up 3x more that I will fully finish for next Christmas. It was nice to see my 15yo son enjoy putting his dragon ernie on the tree on Christmas Day.
Just One Bite
From Christmas Ornament magazine 2013 |
Proud Penguin by Mill Hill gifted to my sister. |
3. A highlight has been stitching on my two
Heaven and Earth Designs (HAED). I have found
it utterly enjoyable. Here is Mini Alice and Snow White. I stitch on my HAEDs during the day in my craft room if I have a free moment. I keep them there ready to go.
2. I am totally addicted to watching
FlossTube (cross stitch Youtube channels) even if I haven't made many videos myself recently. It has taken over my TV viewing. I love to watch them while stitching.
Drum roll...for my top moment please...
1. Being
part of the community of stitchers. I love meeting new stitchers. The highlight was getting a message from a fellow Facebooker about the same HAED we are stitching, only to discover she lives 15 minutes away. It has been awesome to get to know someone who also loves HAEDs . Hi Sarah!
So let's check up on my progress of 2015:
2015 New Starts/My Actual Progress:
1. Mirabilia SAL The Enchanted Mermaid January 1st start-
yes I did start this for that one day but haven't stitched on it since. I plan to stitch on it today though to make up for my slackness. It will become the WIP I stitch on regularly with my cross stitch friends, when I complete the Prairie Schooler Alphabet in 3-5 months.
28 ct hand-dyed evenweave stitched two over two |
2. Chatelaine pattern - Mini Castle -
I never got around to starting this; hopefully I will start it in 2016
3. Chatelaine design - 2011 Autumn Freebie Fly Agaric-
A little progress made. It should finish this in 2016
32 ct linen stitched two over two |
4. Purple Stitching - Classic Book Spines -
like the Mirabilia mermaid I stitched on it for a day and that was it. I plan to stitch on this consistently this year.
Stitched two over one full crosses 18ct Aida |
5. Bothy Threads - Kings and Queens - I have almost finished the first figure William I. Oh well, better than no stitches in it. I had better pull my finger out on this one.
Stitched two over one Aida 16t |
6. HAED - Treasure Hunt Bookshelf Fox to Dragon - I have put in about a 1000 stitches; lots of confetti in this one!
Stitched two over one tent stitch on 25 ct even weave |
2015 WIPs that I plan to finish during 2015/My Actual progress:
1. Prairie Schooler -Alphabet
I am currently stitching
K is for Kitty. 11 down, 16 to go!-
I didn't finish it but made good progress. I have stitched 22 and 2/3 blocks. I am 5 1/3 to go. I am in the middle of stitching V is for Vineyard. I will finish it this year!
Stitched two over two 36 ct linen |
Blocks U and V |
2. HAED -
Mini Alice and Snow White
I have almost stitched a
full page in a month so lets hope I can keep up this progress -
That pace of stitching was not continued but I am halfway through page 10 so should knock this project off by mid-2016.
3. Heritage Sampler Company - I Love London - My big finish for the year! I need to make it into a cushion so should try and do that over this Summer.
4. Annet Eriksson's Passion for Stitching Chateau - No progress on this so I should make this a Summer project
2015 Works in Progress - not necessarily finish in 2015
1. Bucilla - A Touch of Gold - I put this project away as I have run out of a colour and need to colour match it. I'm not sure I will get it out this year. I think this might be one for 2017.
2. Carriage House Samplings - Shores of Hawk Run Hollow- I have almost finished Block 2 and plan to make this a car project. I will take out with me and work on it if I am waiting for something (usually children doing an activity).
Stitched two over two 32 ct linen |
3. Designers Forum Needlepoint Rug- I have worked on this a bit and finished the inner border in 2015. It will definitely have more stitching time in 2016.
4. Country House Needleworks- Santa's House -I am now stitching all 12 of the Santa's Village series as part of a SAL on Facebook. I started Block 1, Santa's House on New Year's Day. I plan to stitch a block per month.
Stitched on Smokey Pearl Belfast 32ct linen
two over two |
5. Dimensions- Promises Kept - I have stitched a bit more on this but need to make this a focus piece in 2016. I aim to finish it!
16 ct Aida |
WIPS for 2016:
1. Vervaco Fox Cushion
11ct cross stitch in yarn |
2. Mill Hill bead kit- train and scotty dog
3. Mill Hill bead kit - scotty dog
4. Prairie Schooler alphabet
5. HAED Mini Alice and Snow White
6. HAED QS Treasure Hunt Bookshelf Fox to Drago
7. Mirabilia The Enchanted Mermaid
8. Carriage House Samplings Shores of Hawk Run Hollow
9. Dimensions Gold Promises Kept
10. Annet Eriksson's Chateau
11. Chatelaine
12. Bothy Thread Pirate Ship
13. Bothy Thread Kings and Queens
14. Designers Forum needlepoint rug
15. Bucilla A Touch of Gold
16. Country Cottage Needleworks Santa's Village
17. Purple Stitching Classic Book Spines
Possible New Starts for 2016:
1. HAED Four Seasons
2. Chatelaine - Mini Castle
3. Carriage House Samplings Christmas at Hawk Run Hollow
4. Charting Creation's Santa's on the Big Top
5. Charting Creation's Small Blueberry Lunch
This leaves me with a grand total of 17 WIPs (and possibly plus some I have completely forgotten about he he).
Happy Stitchy New Year to you all...
Jan x