Showing posts with label Noah's Ark. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Noah's Ark. Show all posts

Thursday, December 19, 2013

More on Noah's Ark cross stitch sampler...

Despite it being only a week (or less) to Christmas, I have stitched more of the rainbow on the Noah's Ark Dimensions sampler over the last week. Just the blue inner rainbow arc and the back stitching on the words left.

Dimensions Gold Collection
Promises Kept
I am totally in love with anything especially antique Noah's arks! I have even started a pinterest board featuring them. 

Have a fabulous week leading up to Christmas...
                                                                    Jan x

Monday, December 9, 2013

Dust off the Noah's Ark cross stitch...

I cannot believe it's been so long since I have stitched on this sampler. It is called Promises Kept by Dimensions. Its been a little tricky to stitch the rainbow - I am always miscounting it- so I put it aside and forgot about it.  Last night, I dusted off the cobwebs and stitched two pretty doves flying over the rainbow.

My soul is rejuvenated when I touch and read a new craft book.  This time, granny chic by Tif Fussell and Rachelle Blondel tickled my fancy. I bought this book with a birthday voucher. This book has fuelled my dreams for renovating a caravan and filling it with 'granny' goodness. I cannot wait. It might be a two to three year wait but it will be worth it. I will have to get out my crochet hook and doilies and start some projects for my van in advance.

Well I promise to stitch more on Noah's Ark soon as I want Tom to enjoy looking at it on his bedroom wall before he grows out of it!

Thanks for visiting my garden...
                                               Jan x

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Noah's Ark cross stitch Promises Kept WIP...

Hello everyone,
I have progressed nicely with the Noah's Ark cross stitch project since the last post, especially on the rainbow.  It stitches up quite fast being half cross stitches. I will work on it more tonight. I just have a small amount of stitching left to do on the top part of the sampler; the rainbow, the words ("two by two they came") and the doves.  Then I can finish stitching on the lower deck.
Click on the link below and you can view video about my Noah's Ark cross stitch on my YouTube Channel thread garden:
With spring in the air thank you for walking through my Aussie garden...
Notes:  Noah's Ark is called "Promises Kept" and produced as a kit version by Dimensions The Gold Collection.  It is stitched on 18ct Aida.